News & Articles By Edsel Cook
By Edsel Cook
Researchers develop new coating to make lithium metal batteries last longer
When it comes to energy storage technology, researchers are either trying to perfect alternative types of batteries or tweaking the performance of lithium-ion batteries to the absolute limits. One of the latest efforts comes from a New York-based team, who has come up with a new way to extend the life of lithium cells while also ensuring […]
By Edsel Cook
Adding vanadium to lithium-ion batteries makes it possible to charge them “in a matter of minutes”
Many investigators have looked for alternatives to lithium-ion batteries, with others seeking out ways to tweak the performance of the existing energy storage devices. A recent study by researchers at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in New York suggests using vanadium in the battery’s cathode. This will result in the cell charging much faster while still storing a considerable […]
By Edsel Cook
Researchers find way to harvest electricity from bacteria
A Swedish-led research group succeeded in increasing the amount of electrical current that they can harvest from bacteria. The jump in efficiency is a big step toward the use of bacteria as sources of clean and renewable energy. In light of the dwindling supply of fossil fuels and the increasing demand for energy, researchers are exploring potential sources […]
By Edsel Cook
New cathodes can lead to smaller, more powerful lithium batteries
A joint effort between American and Chinese researchers have delivered a new take on the cathode of a lithium battery. Their prototype negatively-charged electrode will help reduce the size and weight of energy storage systems. A smaller, lighter lithium battery makes it possible to fit more cells aboard electric vehicles, extending their range and endurance. […]
By Edsel Cook
Plant-based jet fuels could soon be an alternative to petroleum
A new study evaluated the potential of plant-derived biofuels to compete with petroleum-based products as a sustainable source of fuel for the aviation industry. It reported that bio-jet fuel might become a viable alternative to fossil fuels – but only if researchers maintain their current rate of success. The global aviation industry consumes millions of […]
By Edsel Cook
Engineers develop high energy density all-solid-state batteries
Solid-state battery technology has reached a new milestone in terms of energy storage. Thanks to the new conducting material developed by Japanese researchers, all-solid-state batteries will boast the greatest energy density yet. The hydride lithium superionic conductor arranges clusters of hydrogen anions (negative ions) into specialized structures. The material displays far greater stability against lithium metal, the […]
By Edsel Cook
Breakthrough in electronics manufacturing: Eco-friendly 3D wireless sensors
Canadian and Swiss researchers have come up with a new method of making electronic devices for use in the internet of things. Their process leverages 3D printing to produce single-use wireless sensors made from environment-friendly materials that will break down by themselves. Most electronic devices use plastics, polymers, and other synthetics. These artificial materials last for hundreds of years before they […]
By Edsel Cook
Study: New “self-assembling” nanomaterials can soon be used to develop efficient, affordable solar power
New York-based researchers developed self-assembling nanomaterials for solar technology applications. Photovoltaic cells made from these materials reached up to 44 percent higher levels of efficiency. Furthermore, the cells generated more usable solar charges. Sunlight is an abundant source of clean energy. Industries are switching from traditional, highly polluting fossil fuel energy sources to solar power that emits zero […]
By Edsel Cook
Floating a new idea to conserve space: Solar panels are now being installed on floating water rafts
In 2008, a winery in Napa Valley, California set up the first floating solar array in the world. The idea of floating solar panels became popular in Asia, but it only gained traction in the U. S. in recent years. Experts believe that floating solar arrays on artificial bodies of water might produce more than 400 gigawatts of […]
By Edsel Cook
Could plastic bags be upcycled into parts for lithium-ion batteries?
Indiana-based researchers found a way to upcycle disposable plastic bags into raw material for making valuable products. Their process turned polyethylene plastic into carbon chips with sufficient purity to serve as materials for manufacturing anodes of lithium-ion batteries. Plastic pollution is one of the biggest problems threatening the environment. A lot of this trash comes in the form of disposable […]
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