News & Articles By Jayson Veley
By Jayson Veley
An EMP attack can be initiated from multiple sources: Tips on how to prepare
It’s important to understand two things about EMPs: that they have the ability to shut down America’s entire electrical grid and potentially result in significant loss of life, and that they can come from several different sources. As points out, an electromagnetic pulse can be caused by a lightning strike, a meteor hurling through […]
By Jayson Veley
America just got a minor sample of a grid down collapse at the Atlanta airport … Total chaos ensued
Imagine what would happen if the power went out at the world’s busiest airport. Imagine how much chaos that would cause, and imagine how much confusion there would be, at least at first, regarding the source of the power outage. As it just so happens, you don’t have to imagine such a scenario at all; […]
By Jayson Veley
Security experts urge protection again EMP attack, concerned that North Korea could kill 90% of Americans
For years now, those who believe that the United States could one day be forced into darkness as a result of a massive EMP strike have been mocked and laughed at. However, as tensions between the U.S. and North Korea continue to rise, so too do the chances that our country may be hit by […]
By Jayson Veley
Government energy report concludes power grid highly vulnerable to failures that would cause mass die-offs of U.S. citizens
With Iran on the move to develop a nuclear weapon and the North Koreans making repeated threats to strike the United States, the threat of America’s electrical grid going down one day is steadily on the rise. There are several different ways in which this could happen. A foreign enemy like North Korea could potentially […]
By Jayson Veley
5 Survival lessons we can learn from people who haven’t had power in their homes for hundreds of years
What if tomorrow the United States was hit by a massive EMP strike that destroys the power grid and forces the entire population to survive without electricity? In addition to the minor inconveniences, such as the inability to charge your cell phone or the lack of television dinners you’ll be heating up in the microwave, […]
By Jayson Veley
Observers worried that “nuclear chain reaction” could still occur at Fukushima… cleanup could take 100 years or more
On March 11, 2011, terror struck northeastern Japan in the form of a massive magnitude-9 earthquake, which in turn unleashed a devastating tsunami that wiped out virtually everything in the city of Sukuiso. The effects of the earthquake were felt around the entire world, and even years later, the people of Japan were still finding […]
By Jayson Veley
A single asteroid hit in the Atlantic ocean could generate a Fukushima-sized tsunami wave causing nuclear meltdowns in 13 nuclear facilities along the East Coast
It seems like today the United States has more foreign threats than we can count. Not only are tensions with Russia on the rise, but America is also being simultaneously threatened by Syria and North Korea. On top of it all, the Islamic State is on the move, carrying out horrific acts of violence, not […]
By Jayson Veley
EMP Commission Chairman confirms that a nuclear EMP attack could kill 90% of the U.S. population
A few weeks back, former CIA Director James Woolsey and EMP Commission Chairman Dr. Vincent Pry from the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, published an article on, where they argued that a nuclear EMP attack could wipe out 90% of the U.S. population. Woolsey and Pry cite the Congressional EMP Commission, arguing, […]
By Jayson Veley
Socialism sucks: Venezuela runs out of gas, despite having the world’s largest oil reserves
Truth be told, the socialist utopia of Venezuela really couldn’t be any further from paradise. The authoritative regime in charge has been openly hostile towards the private sector for decades, leading to economic dislocation, empty shelves at the grocery stores and nationwide poverty. It has gotten so bad that many Venezuelans are resorting to digging […]
By Jayson Veley
Power companies are waging a secret war against solar
Despite several notable flaws, solar power is becoming more and more popular in the United States as a means of producing energy at a relatively low cost. However, out of fear that the solar industry could soon eat away at the traditional energy businesses, power companies are now pushing to end certain solar panel benefits […]
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